Do you mind if I call you MC? I'd like to be completely real with you at this particular moment in time. You see, 1:48 am is really too late, or too early, for all the bullshit. Now, MC, It has occurred to me that human beings tend to have a general sleep-wake pattern that falls in accordance with the 24-hour day. On average we sleep 8 hours and wake for 16. And unless one has a mistress to meet "later on on the night-shift" the sleeping part usually takes place at night. Now, I didn't make the rules, and trust me, were it up to me, I'd move to a community that lived otherwise. However, since we both know that not to be the case, at least not any time soon, for now, I'd like to have a word with the Big Cojones in charge.
*Side note*: It would be interesting wouldn't it? Living in a place that slept during the day and came to life at night? And I'm not just talking about "nightlife." A place where one could leave one's home at 2 am to meet a colleague for lunch at Irie Isles. God, their Jerk Chicken is out of this world!
*Back to Business*
So, 'splain me this MC:
9:00 pm - Girl falls asleep.
Circa 1:06 am - Girl lays in bed in disbelief that yet again she has awaken before the sun.
1:10 am - Girl realizes she has been sleeping on her glasses for a greater part of the last 2 hours.
1:10:30 am - Girl thinks, "These shits better not be broken; I refuse to go back to the days of masking tape and angling my face just right so as not to have my excuse for glasses slip right off the slope that is my nose."
1:11 am - Girl celebrates mini-victory for picking out the most durable frames Lenscrafters had to offer. =)
1:20 am - Girl gives up hope on trying to go back to sleep, and strategically climbs down from top bunk as not to decapitate herself with spinning ceiling fan. (That would be far to messy for a Sunday morning.)
1:48 am - Girl Begins this blog.

MC at this time I'd like to focus specifically on the 9:00 pm-circa 1:06 am entries. I don't know if you know this, but that's 4 hours of sleep. HALF of what we established was the norm. Now, word on the street has it that the brain benefits from a good night's sleep. And those are TIME magazine's words, not my own. I sees it like this: I'm functioning at half my potential by the time my world is waking up. So of course I feel the need to compensate during the day with naps and such, which i must say is REALLY putting a damper on my productivity in life in general.
I may be somewhat of a hypochondriac which will probably become more evident through the course of this blogging venture. And I'm not sure if the whole napping thing disqualifies me from the disorder, but here goes. I think i have Advanced Sleep-Phase syndrome. It may be too early to tell, but if this is the case, and if it something that you and i can work out together... I'm all for that. You want to do group counseling? I'm already in the car driving to the session with guess who? that's right, My buddy MC! You want to work out a schedule? I'm open to negotiation. You want some time apart? ......Okay I really must be honest... i don't see us taking a break from one another working out very well, so that may be out. But anything else... you got it.
*Side note*: "disqualify me from the disorder"?? what is this a footrace? See what i mean about the functioning at half the potential?
*Back to Business*
I mean I feel like a half charged LG shine (yes i am bitter about my phone's battery life.) By midday I have to switch to silent because I'm very well on the verge of death....
Then I'm M.I.A. when getting potentially important phone calls, text messages, and such. I mean, i have full signal strength, the bars are there, and its all coming in... but my response time is completely out of whack. Simply unacceptable. I hope we see where I'm going with this, and we can get our shit together by bedtime tonight. Or so help me god, MC, I will break out the Tylenol PMs!!!!!!!!!!!
Forever yours,
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